More data is needed in efforts to feed the world a healthy and sustainable diet. We need clean data that is harmonised, uncorrupted, accessible, reusable, secure and verifiable, however, sharing clean data across the food system can be cumbersome. We maintain sharing data is slower and more complicated because of system security and scalability inefficiencies as well as the siloed organisational mentality. The Data-smart Farmhand wants to improve system interoperability to make sharing data work better for everyone.
- What if there was a marketspace platform to commercialise real-time, virtual and transparent soil data to improve agriculture products and digital services?
- What if technology companies could position themselves closer to farmers as it looks to evolve more effective products and digital services for a more resilient food system?
- And what if organizations could promote its products in a marketspace where participants who engage and share data would be compensated, in efforts to build further trust with intermediaries and farmers?
The Data-smart Farmhand platform (DSFH) is an open innovation marketspace ecosystem for gathering, recording and sharing soil data in efforts to create a soil digital twin. Importantly, we integrate blockchain smart contracts to facilitate secure access to the platform and verify user’s data sovereignty to more easily share and compensate those participants which share their data.
To be clear, participants can earn extra value (MONEY) for sharing their data on the platform. Which incentivises the development of a more comprehensive overview of how we track and trace data usage to help all stakeholders to fight soil degradation, and improve and maintain soil quality, sequester carbon and encourage soil regeneration, while improving the sustainability of agricultural practices. As well as the development of better digital tools and services for farmers to grow better, more nutritional yields, while increasing their return on investment. This could be accomplished by using the shared data to analyzes what-if scenarios, and to build conformity in developing a packaging environmental-label framework.
Contact Us
The Data-smart Farmhand would sit in between the consortium of partners in academia, start-ups, SMEs, enterprise and public organizations looking to build an open source agricultural and food digital overview, brokering trust and an inclusive governance. We use our hybrid blockchain model to incentivizing stakeholder engagement, while being the custodians of a platform that compliments all private-public partners in efforts to create more human-centric and bottom up solutions.
Soil Resiliency

The Data-smart Farmhand platform will start with a minimal viable soil and first mile environmental data to model a soil information digital overview for producers, providers and consumers to combat soil degradation, and encourage soil regeneration to improve and maintain soil quality.
Digital Overview

The Data-smart Farmhand is a virtual representation of verifiable, transparent and real-time data modelling, built on top of a public blockchain framework. It harmonizes data ontology and sovereignty, and ecosystem interoperability, for all organizations to build improved food system resiliency.
Blockchain Transformation

Across the food system journey, there is incredible potential and unlimited opportunities to empower producers, cooperatives and companies to transform the antiquated business model towards a dynamic and adaptive demand-pull model of the circular economy. And therefore, capitalizing on the various benefits of transparency and open information exchange to engage further in a real-time data-sharing ecosystem.